The Daily Fret~ Quest for Annus Mirabilis

The Daily Fret~ Quest for Annus Mirabilis
Starting 1 March, I shall be attempting the "Daily Fret"; a simple
attempt to look for poetry in the simple everyday. For seconds tick away before we realize a life has been lived. It must not go by uninspired, unnoticed.

This blog in this respect aspires to be a Dialogue, and not just a listening post; so freely comment and participate, its a resonant communique we all crave-You to I, and I to You.

Happy reading.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Waiting Room.

Waiting is acknowledgement
A realisation of denial
Introspection that does silent watch
The puppets play in the lawns outside
Their light strings like shining smiles
Painted plastered so they never knew
The parched songs that hum our lives
You can pick up it's groaning buzz
A disquietude that runs along
Palpitations that on pavements walk
Measuring time and it's seconds brief
Weaving along; in webs coy homes
To be united is to be lost.

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